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Home / RS3Gold news / Learn Details of OSRS Trailblazer League General Hard Tasks

Learn Details of OSRS Trailblazer League General Hard Tasks

Time: 11/02/20

There are 68 tasks available for OSRS Trailblazer League general hard tasks. And here is a list showing the details of all these tasks. Read below to see what tasks you will need to complete. 

List of OSRS Trailblazer League general hard tasks 

Trailblazer League general tasks at hard tier have totally 68 available tasks, including: 
1. Reach your first level 60 in any skill. 
2. Reach your first level 70 in any skill. 
3. Reach your first level 80 in any skill. 
4. Reach total level 1500.
5. Reach total level 1750. 
6. Reach base level 60 in every skill. 
7. Reach base level 70 in every skill. 
8. Steal from a Gem Stall. 
9. Check the health of a Palm tree you've grown. 
10. Dig up some Magic Roots from a Magic Tree you've grown.
11. Chop 75 Magic Logs from Magic Trees.
12. Cook 100 Raw Sharks.
13. Mine 50 Adamantite Ore.
14. Fletch a Magic Shortbow.
15. Fletch a Rune Crossbow.
16. Defeat any Slayer boss.
17. Complete 50 Slayer tasks. 
18. Complete 100 Slayer tasks. 
19. Defeat 10 Superior Slayer creatures. 
20. Defeat 20 Superior Slayer creatures. 
21. Craft a dragonstone amulet.
22. Craft 30 Blue Dragonhide Bodies.
23. Catch 100 raw shark whilst fishing.
24. Use a Furnace to smelt a runite bar.
25. Build a Hard S.T.A.S.H. unit and fill it with the relevant items.
26. Build an Achievement Gallery in your Player Owned House.
27. Use Runecrafting Altars to craft 2500 essence into runes of any type.
28. Burn 100 Yew Logs.
29. Burn some Magic Logs.
30. Catch a Dragon Impling.
31. Complete 250 laps of any Rooftop Agility Course.
32. Make a Saradomin Brew.
33. Clean 100 Grimy Dwarf Weed.
34. Reach level 100 Combat. 
35. Reach level 110 Combat. 
36. Equip any Dragon weapon.
37. Equip a Full Black Dragonhide Set.
38. Equip a Magic Shortbow.
39. Equip a Rune Crossbow.
40. Equip a combination battlestaff or a combination mystic staff.
41. Cast any wave spell.
42. Cast any surge spell.
43. Restore 75 or more Prayer Points at any altar.
44. Equip enough item to reach a Prayer bonus of 30 or more.
45. Complete an elite clue scroll by opening a Reward Casket.
46. Complete a master clue scroll by opening a Reward Casket.
47. Gain a unique item from an Elite Clue Scroll Reward Casket.
48. Gain a unique item from a Master Clue Scroll Reward Casket.
49. Gain 35 unique items from Beginner Clue Scroll Reward Caskets.
50. Gain 35 unique items from Easy Clue Scroll Reward Caskets.
51. Gain 25 unique items from Medium Clue Scroll Reward Caskets.
52. Gain 20 unique items from Hard Clue Scroll Reward Caskets.
53. Gain 10 unique items from Elite Clue Scroll Reward Caskets.
54. Gain 10 unique items from Master Clue Scroll Reward Caskets.
55. Fill 10 slots in the Beginner Clue section of the Collection Log.
56. Fill 20 slots in the Easy Clue section of the Collection Log.
57. Fill 20 slots in the Medium Clue section of the Collection Log.
58. Fill 15 slots in the Hard Clue section of the Collection Log.
59. Fill 10 slots in the Elite Clue section of the Collection Log.
60. Fill 5 slots in the Master Clue section of the Collection Log.
61. Equip a Full Gilded or Trimmed Wizard Set. 
62. Equip a Full Gilded Set. 
63. Equip a Full Vestment Set. 
64. Equip a Full God Rune Set. 
65. Equip a Full God Dragonhide Set. 
66. Equip an Ornament Kit item. 
67. Equip some Ranger Boots. 
68. Complete the Hard Western Provinces Diary. 

In a word, take a sneak peek on OSRS Trailblazer League general hard tasks. Besides, you can also buy cheap OSRS gold from us all the time. 

The RS3gold Team 

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